
All that the Round Hill Association accomplishes is due to the generosity of its members and its volunteer board. They do even more by working with other groups.  This newsletter and the website,, inform readers of events and issues that may interest and affect them.  The Civic Improvement fund, supported by member contributions, is...
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John Wood, who runs the service station next to the Round Hill Store, is bedevilled by the traffic at the intersection at Round Hill and Old Mill Roads. “It’s an accident waiting to happen,” says he. Nearby residents on Porchuck and North Porchuck Roads say the same for their neighborhood. They have the attention of...
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BackCountry Greenwich braved the ravages of Superstorm Sandy on Oct 29, 2012. To this day, many of us are jolted back to those terrifying winds and rain, followed by 11 long, dark, cold days and nights until the power came back on. We were grateful to the Round Hill Store and Service Station and the...
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It wasn’t just the balmy day, or the dazzling sunshine or the spectacular leaves or the wondrous collection of animals at the petting zoo that made such a superb success of the Round Hill Halloween party. It was a combination of all of these, organized and executed by co-chairs Deepa Javeri and Christina Schwefel and...
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Louisa Stone smiles pleasurably as she surveys from the porch of her Sterling Road home the 4.5-acre tract which she and her late husband, Emerson, donated to the Greenwich Land Trust. An ardent conservationist, she has been honored by the GLT with its first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award. Among numerous civic endeavors, Louisa serves as a...
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Befitting its role as a focal point of our neighborhood association’s sphere of interest, the Round Hill Store was graced this summer with a new sign heralding its founding in 1801. Located at the corner of Round Hill and Old Mill roads, the store is believed to be the oldest continuously operated general store in...
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On October 27th, our Greenwich Assessor laid out the 2015 real estate revaluation process for 100 people who attended the RHA Fall Forum co-hosted with the Northeast and Northwest Greenwich Associations. With every property in the Round Hill Association boundaries and throughout Greenwich being revalued for next year’s tax bill, the presentation could not have...
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One of the institutions that most effectively brought together disparate strands of early BackCountry residents was the Round Hill Community Guild. Founded in 1840, it originated as the Ladies Aid Society, an arm of the Round Hill Church.    Built in 1810, the church sat at the intersection of two unpaved cow paths: Round Hill...
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The graves of early Greenwich settlers and British and Tory soldiers are scarcely noticed by motorists negotiating the steep hill atop Burying Hill Road. The settlers have names like Nehemiah, Phineas, Susannah, and Lucius, and most inscriptions are barely visible on weathered headstones scattered on a roadside plot near Topping road. The earliest carved gravestone...
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No chronicle of Round Hill would be complete without plumbing the memory of Bill Strain, whose family has owned and operated the Round Hill Store and Service Station for many years. His grandfather, William Sr., bought the store in 1915 and Bill, 84, is still on the job every day, attired in his blue service...
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