Round Hill Volunteer Fire Company (“RHVFC”) and its volunteer firefighters will host its first-ever “Family Fun Day” to celebrate children and families of the backcountry and all of Greenwich. The event will take place on Saturday, April 6th from 1-5 pm at Whitby School in Greenwich. A rain date of Sunday, April 7th has been...Read More
Friday, February 23 Report on the February 21, 2024 presentation at Round Hill Community House On February 21, 2024, at the Road Hill Community Church, The Greenwich Sustainability Committee (GSC) presented an open discussion to approximately 75 backcountry residents on the impact of synthetic chemicals on everyday life. The GSC is a joint effort of...Read More
For the second year, the Round Hill Association will host a fabulous cocktail party for neighbors and friends at Foundation House on Old Mill Road. On Friday, May 17th, come out and enjoy a great evening of tasty hors d’eouvres and great wine from 6-8:30 pm! Be on the lookout for your invitation, which will...Read More
“I’ve been a part of Greenwich for all my 72 years and it’s hard to know where it starts and I stop; it’s all I know., really. I love our beaches and parks, the woodlands that have been my playground and now thrill my five grandkids. My big, fat bobcat and wonderful ugly snapping turtle…...Read More
It has been a year since the underground gas tanks and pumps were removed from the Round Hill Service Station and the land in their place is still getting settled. However, the shop remains busy in continuing to provide full service, maintenance and repair on various cars. Before the gas facilities were removed, the shop...Read More
After 50 years the Bailiwick Swim and Tennis Club is pushing forward for the next 50 years. The Club recently installed lights on their paddle tennis courts and will soon do a major renovation of the pool and dining facilities. The Bailiwick Club was founded in 1972 to be the first unrestricted club in Greenwich...Read More
Given the recent approvals and pending applications for large backcountry developments before the Planning & Zoning Commission, The Round Hill Association is very concerned about the increased number of cars and traffic that will result from hundreds of new apartment units planned in Northwest Greenwich. These applications will put an excessive stress on our community...Read More
Saturday afternoon, February 10th at 4 pm North Greenwich Church 606 Riversville Road, at the crossroads of Riversville Road and John Street opposite Audubon Mikhail Svetlov is one of the brightest representatives of the bass vocal tradition. He has a great command of vocal technique, is an amazing actor of both comedy and drama, of tragic image...Read More
On Saturday 2/3/24 Foundation House on Old Mill Road held an open studio for its winter Artists In Residence participants to share their recent work. Four times a year, eight creative artists of all disciplines, (including painters writers, illustrators, designers, musicians, film makers, visionary thinkers and doers), are invited to gather for 10 days to...Read More
Summers in backcountry and Round Hill in 2024 will be quieter and air quality will be healthier than in past years. The Representative Town Meeting (RTM) on 1/16/24 voted to enact a new town-wide noise ordinance with an amendment to prohibit gas-powered leaf blower usage on residential property from June through August and into parts...Read More