Mark your calendar for Friday evening May 19th. Neighbors and residents of the backcountry and mid-country Greenwich are invited to a cocktail party presented by the Round Hill Association (RHA) at the Foundation House estate on Old Mill Road. The party is an opportunity for old and new members of the community to gather for a social evening at one of Greenwich’s great estates, which now serves as a meeting place and center for robust discussions, workshops, lectures, and events on topics which better the environment, community, and mental health. Plans for the party include drinks, hors d’oeuvres, live music, valet parking, and updates RHA activities. The evening will be open to all with a nominal fee, but attendance is capped at 250. More details about the evening which is planned to run from 6:00 to 8:30, can be found here.
Founded in 1942, The RHA fosters a sense of community by providing opportunities for contact with neighbors, maintaining and enhancing the beauty of the area, and advocating for our interests with the town of Greenwich. Specific ways in which this is done include continued maintenance of ten traffic islands with planted flowers and greenery, organization of an annual Neighbor Day, presentation of forums with speakers for local elections, recycling, well water safety, and residential security. In addition, the RHA monitors and reports on topics and issues such as airport expansion, housing developments, firehouse renovations, which affect the interests and quality of life in Round Hill. Most recently the RHA is involved in an initiative regarding traffic and safety on the roads of backcountry, which is a growing concern among residents.
This amazing property and manor house, once owned by actor Mel Gibson, is located at 124 Old Mill Road. It was built in 1928 in the Elizabethan architectural style and sits on a gentle sloping downhill which shows its full height and mass from the rear. The entire property was proposed for development of 28 housing units by a potential buyer in 2019 until the Round Hill Association, in a show of unity, mobilized hundreds of opposing neighbors at a Town Hall meeting, after which the developer withdrew the proposal. Thanks to Mimi Sternlicht, a long time Round Hill resident who purchased the site and created Foundation House, the house and property have been beautifully restored and now serves as a resource for the community which can be enjoyed on walking and horse trails around the grounds.